Monday 3 June 2013

Thomas Jefferson said then and not than about his slaves

Recently, when I received a daily bulletin from, I was interested to see that Thomas Jefferson had used the word then where we nowadays would use the word than.

Here's the link to the particular article in the archive:

In a chilling assessment of the economic value of slave ownership, Jefferson said:
A child raised every 2. years is of more profit then the crop of the best laboring man.
I wondered if the word 'then' was a typo, so I looked around the internet and found what I take to be a reliable article, on the Smithsonian website. The article, The Dark Side of Thomas Jefferson, was a revelation to me about the disgusting practice of slavery. Whippings; selling of children 'down the river', never to be seen again; hypocrisy; brutal overseers doing the work Jefferson professed to detest - all these were part of a gripping article that I felt compelled to read to the end.

I've posted previously about the mixed history of these two spellings. I still think it's likely that in the future we will spell both words as 'then'.


Mary said...

Parlance, I was just reading Quilting Arts magazine and they have the same thing in one of their articles. It used to seem like a typo to me but it is quite frequent isn't it?

Mary said...

Parlance, I was just reading Quilting Arts magazine and they have the same thing in one of their articles. It used to seem like a typo to me but it is quite frequent isn't it?

parlance said...

Mary, That's interesting. It's appearing everywhere. Maybe in these days of print-dominated communication, change will come through written material, not spoken.